How Do Modern Machines Increase Productivity in Agriculture?
December 20, 2022

What is a Seeder and What is it Used For?

Agricultural production always requires care and effort. There are machines that help farmers from seed selection to planting, maintenance, and harvesting. The machines that assist farmers when planting seeds are called “seeders”.

Seeders are in the class of planting machines. Seeder machines, which help to place the seeds at the desired depth by maintaining the desired row spacing and inter-row distance, are very important for farmers. Seeders can also fertilize simultaneously during seed planting.

TOSCANO, proud to be one of the brands that has made its name known in the world for the production of modern agricultural machinery, offers its users two types of seeders: “Pneumatic Seeders” and “Pneumatic Telescopic Seeder”. Pneumatic seed drills leave the fertilizer and seed at the desired depth and inter-row distance in the specified amount. The Seed Singulator System prevents the seeds from falling in pairs or in larger numbers and leaves them one by one. It is used for planting seeds that require wide spacing and order such as cotton, sunflower, soy, melon, corn, pumpkin, watermelon, peanuts, beet, and sesame. It also saves time and fuel by fertilizing at the same time as planting.

You can click on the link below to examine all of the seeders produced by Toscano in detail.